First Part: https://iglesianicristosilentnomore.wordpress.com/2015/05/23/the-search-for-that-black-gold-called-oil-still-no-proof/ Following the very lucrative and successful stint of the Sanggunian, spearheaded by Bro. Glicerio “Jun” B. Santos Jr., in the PAID UP OIL AND GAS LEASE IN TEXAS since way back 2008, I guess it’s modest to say that Ka Glicerio B. Santos Jr. really hit the jackpot with its 25% royalty on all the production profit of their “secret” project which is still under the name of the Iglesia Ni Cristo. This simply means that the money used to buy this property came from the church fund, from our “abuloy” or offerings, but it was not bought to build a chapel or a district office, it was bought for one thing and one thing only… PROFIT from “Black Gold” or Oil. But the MILLION DOLLAR question is, where did the profit go? Try checking the finance report of Texas or US Main Office for the $$$$ from the Paid Up Oil and Gas Lease if it went into the Central Fund, because the last time I checked at the office, the money never reached Central’s bank accounts, UNLESS they can prove otherwise. This is how successful the oil business in Texas, where we “just happen” to have bought a land property which was leased for 25% royalty on all production profit.

Can you visualize the production rate of oil for Texas alone? That is why the profit from the Paid Up Oil and Gas Lease was off the charts too. But…. the bad thing about GREED (which is already a bad thing in the first place), is that IT IS ALWAYS NEVER ENOUGH. That is why our beloved General Auditor, Bro. Glicerio Santos Jr., tirelessly set out to find some more lucrative project just like the Texas Oil Lease. And with the help of Brother Mar Nucup, Bro. Jun Santos was able to enter into a deal for the acquisition of SCENIC SOUTH DAKOTA.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo bought the whole town from this old lady who owned the small town of SCENIC, SOUTH DAKOTA.

Twila Merrill Palmer, quite a celebrity in her days. A rodeo-legend lady stricken with Cancer.

This real estate broker sealed the deal for the property:

This is exactly what Bro. Jun Santos is going for, to be the next “ordinary jun” turned billionaire. GAS & OIL PRODUCTION PLUS PIPING CONTRACT THRU SOUTH DAKOTA = $$ KACHING KACHING $$ This is by far the best “hitting two birds with one stone” scenario Ka Jun has put together in his entire life…so far (this calls for another Guiness Record!). Imagine this scenario…when this pipeline goes into full swing, the Church can just sit back and relax and the money will just flow in, we can build as many churches as we want and there will no longer be any poverty for the common brethren, the church can start any project or construction it wants and the funds will not dry up, nor will we need to have other Special Offerings (But ofcourse, the fictional character in this scenario is a Ka Jun Santos who’s not a selfish, greedy, diabolical, conniving businessman that he is). Ka Jun was so sure that everything is in the bag with this one, that he approved all construction and acquisition requests for the church knowing full well that the funds will soon come in. Ka Jun was so successful in keeping this under our noses for so long and he laughingly thought to himself that nobody will ever know…. nobody. Unfortunately, last February… something UNEXPECTED SHATTERED HIS BILLION DOLLAR DREAM…

(so expect more announcements for Tanging Tanging Tanging Handugan to come) After years of preparation and anticipation, President Obama vetoed the whole proposed pipeline project, rendering the Scenic, South Dakota property utterly useless to us. We are now stuck with a deserted, lifeless ghost town. With a condemned hotel that is long empty, useless wooden structures reminiscent of the old cowboy movies, the whole town, lined with aged cattle skulls and overgrown brushes. The only things useful, I think, are the roadside jail cells that are rusty and worn out. Now let me think… hmmm who can we fit in those cells? After this exposé, expect one of many things, 1) The Sanggunian will pretend that nobody saw this post and that their cover hasn’t been blown yet 2) They will sell the property along with the rest of the ‘for sale’ properties with another ridiculous reason why they will have to sell the property, 3) they will continue with the back-up plan, which is to establish another Paid up Oil and Gas Lease for possible Oil Mining in the area, 4) a Minister will be assigned there to start a locale with 10 members so as not to look stupid for buying the place in the first place (pun intended), 5) Ka Annie will go there and start a manufacturing plant for UNLAD International Inc. teaching the people there how to make rice cakes and other UNLAD amazing products. 6) The Sanggunian will continue to act innocent, or it might be more accurate to say, ACT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE IS TOO STUPID TO REALIZE THAT THEY ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF DOING BUSINESS WITH THE FUNDS OF THE CHURCH 7) Ka Jun will deliver his ever famous HUGOT-lines: “Puro kayo paninira, wala naman kayong ebidensya! Wala! Wala kayong nalalaman ni katiting man! Wala! Wala kayong alam!” TO WRAP THIS UP IN A NUTSHELL: THE SANGGUNIAN WENT INTO A PROPERTY ACQUISITION DEAL FOR THE TOWN OF SCENIC SOUTH DAKOTA UNDER THE STRICT RULE OF NON-DISCLOSURE, NOT TO BUILD A CHURCH, OR PROPAGATE THE WORDS OF GOD, NOT TO ELEVATE THE LIFE OF THE PEOPLE THERE, NOT TO ESTABLISH A LOCALE CONGREGATION… BUT TO GO INTO BUSINESS. USING THE IGLESIA NI CRISTO FUNS FROM OUR OFFERINGS AND USING IT AS A CAPITAL TO INVEST IN A BUSINESS VENTURE POTENTIAL, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE DECLINE IN U.S. FINANCIAL SITUATION TO GAIN A STRONGHOLD IN WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE GREATEST FINANCIAL BYPASS DEAL OF THE CENTURY. UNFORTUNATELY, THIS IS ONE PIPELINE DREAM THAT LITERALLY WENT DOWN THE DRAIN.
~ Antonio Ebangelista
From its original source: https://iglesianicristosilentnomore.wordpress.com/2015/05/31/what-the-frack-is-going-on-with-scenic-south-dakota/
From its original source: https://iglesianicristosilentnomore.wordpress.com/2015/05/31/what-the-frack-is-going-on-with-scenic-south-dakota/
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